Best Way of Buying Real Estate in Puerto Rico

Best Way of Buying Real Estate in Puerto Rico

Your Guide to Buying Real Estate in Puerto Rico


No matter where you are in the world, purchasing property is a major decision. For most of us, this is the largest and most complicated transaction we will be involved in—and doing so in a foreign country can be a doubly thrilling yet complex endeavor. It is, however, a fantastic opportunity to expand your horizons and immerse yourself in different cultures, as well as potentially make a lucrative investment. If you are thinking about taking this exciting plunge, Puerto Rico provides a stunning landscape of opportunities. Whether you're looking for a tropical vacation home, an attractive investment property, or a new permanent residence, Puerto Rico has so much to offer.


This guide, from local experts Blackmont Homes, is designed to assist both local and foreign buyers in navigating the real estate market in Puerto Rico. We aim to demystify the buying process and give you all the tools you need to make an informed decision—as well as a little information about what you can expect in terms of culture and atmosphere. We'll walk you through each step of the buying journey, explain legal and financial aspects, offer guidance on potential pitfalls, and even share some of our success stories.


Whether you're a first-time buyer or an experienced real estate investor, we hope our guide can act as your road map to successful property buying in Puerto Rico. Read on to find out more!

The Buying Process in Puerto Rico

Buying property in Puerto Rico is fairly straightforward, though there are some important differences from what you might be used to. Understanding these differences can help you to buy with confidence, so here is our guide to purchasing a property in Puerto Rico:


Property Search

Your journey, of course, begins with the search for a property that fits your needs and budget. During this phase, partnering with a knowledgeable local real estate agent, like our team at Blackmont Homes, is extremely beneficial—we can provide insider knowledge about different neighborhoods, property values, market trends, and available houses for sale in Puerto Rico that may not be widely advertised.

Property Inspection

Once you've found a property that meets your requirements, you will need to conduct an inspection. This means hiring a professional to evaluate the property's condition and identify any potential issues (structural defects, electrical faults, or plumbing issues, for example).


An important aspect to remember at this stage: In Puerto Rico, hurricane and earthquake resistance is a major factor to consider. We recommend buying a power generator or a property that has a full-powered generator.


Offer and Negotiation


If the inspection is satisfactory, you will move to the offer stage. Your real estate agent will help you decide on a figure to offer based on comparable sales, the property's condition, and the local market.


As with most property markets worldwide, be prepared for negotiations until both parties agree on a price.


Purchase Agreement


A purchase agreement or sales contract is prepared once terms are agreed upon. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, closing date, any contingencies (such as obtaining financing or a satisfactory inspection), and any items included in the sale (like furniture or appliances). In Puerto Rico, an attorney or notary often prepares this document, further highlighting the importance of legal advice in the process.


Please note that the purchase agreement is legally binding.


Title Search


Next, you will need a title search. This is a critical step in the Puerto Rican buying process, as it establishes that the seller truly owns the property, the property is free from liens or encumbrances, and there will be no legal issues down the line.


This step is so important in Puerto Rico, as there is no title insurance.




If you're financing your purchase, you'll need to finalize your mortgage next. Having a pre-approval can speed up this process—keep in mind that some Puerto Rican banks may have different requirements for non-residents, and consulting with a local mortgage broker can help ease this step. At Blackmont we work closely with the top lenders on the island, that offer products such as FHA, commercial loans, jumbo loans and more.




The final step is the closing process. In Puerto Rico, a notary public (who is also a licensed attorney) oversees the closing. They will ensure that all documents are in order, prepare the deed, manage the exchange of funds, and finally register the new deed with the Property Registry.


Remember, it's important to understand the buying process well to avoid any hiccups. While it might seem complex, especially for non-residents, the process can be smooth and stress-free with the right assistance and preparation.


Closing Costs for Buyers

One area that many buyers neglect to account for (both local buyers and those from abroad) is closing costs. Understanding the closing costs of purchasing a property in Puerto Rico is key to budgeting your real estate transaction.


Here is an overview of the more common closing costs that you can expect to pay in Puerto Rico:


  • Notary Fees: In Puerto Rico, a notary public is also a licensed attorney and is involved in all real estate transactions. The role of the notary is to ensure the legality of the documents, prepare the deed, and register it with the Property Registry—fees can range from 1% to 2% of the property's purchase price, depending on the complexity of the transaction.


  • Stamp Tax and Registration Fees: The government of Puerto Rico imposes stamp tax and registration fees on real estate transactions. The stamp tax is usually 0.1% of the purchase price, and the registration fee typically ranges from 0.5% to 1% of the purchase price. These taxes are paid at the time of registering the property deed.


  • Attorney Fees: Although the notary performs most legal tasks in Puerto Rican real estate transactions, you may opt for additional legal representation or advice during the process. If you do choose to hire an attorney, you should budget for additional costs—the price will depend on the complexity of your transaction and the lawyer's rates.


  • Appraisal Fees: If you're financing your purchase, your lender will likely require a property appraisal to determine its value. This cost can range between $300 and $600, depending on the property's size, location, and type.


  • Inspection Fees: The cost for a professional home inspection in Puerto Rico can vary based on the size and type of property but typically ranges between $300 and $500. This is money well spent, though, as the inspection will highlight any issues that you should be aware of.


  • Bank Fees: If you're getting a mortgage, you should also account for bank fees. These may include origination fees (generally 0.5% to 1% of the loan amount), credit report fees, and other administrative fees.


  • Insurance: Property insurance is vital given Puerto Rico's susceptibility to natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. Rates will depend on a range of factors (property location and value, for example).


  • HOA Fees: If you're buying a property in a community with a Homeowners Association (HOA), you may be required to cover HOA fees. Similar to the property taxes, these are not closing costs in the classic sense, but you need to be aware of this additional ongoing cost.


All in all, closing costs for a property transaction in Puerto Rico can add up to between 3% to 5% of the property's purchase price, or even more, depending on specific circumstances and any attorney fees. Make sure that you budget accordingly to facilitate a smooth and successful property purchase.


Puerto Rico Real Estate Law: Differences for USA Buyers

While Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, its real estate laws have distinct differences from those on the mainland, primarily due to its unique mix of Spanish civil law and U.S. common law. For prospective buyers from the mainland U.S., understanding these differences is essential for navigating the real estate buying process.


Here's a more in-depth look at some of the major differences:


The Role of Notaries


In Puerto Rico, notaries play a much more significant role in real estate transactions than their mainland counterparts. Not only do they authenticate signatures and documents, but they're also responsible for drafting the deed of sale, ensuring the legality of the transaction, and registering the new deed with the Property Registry. Notaries in Puerto Rico are licensed attorneys, not simply public servants, and are essential participants in real estate transactions.


Title System


Puerto Rico operates under a Torrens title system, a concept borrowed from Spanish civil law. This system provides strong assurance of clear property ownership because the Property Registry provides conclusive property information—when a property is registered, the owner receives a title certificate showing ownership and other details. While this system provides strong ownership protection, it makes the title search process more complex and critical since title insurance is not commonly used in Puerto Rico.


Community Property Laws


Puerto Rico follows community property laws, meaning any assets acquired during a marriage, including real estate, are considered jointly owned by both spouses—regardless of whose name is on the title. This law can have significant implications for married couples buying property in Puerto Rico.


Tax Laws


Puerto Rico has unique tax laws that offer significant advantages, especially for investors. For instance, Act 22 – Individual Investors Act, provides potential exemptions from taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains for new residents.


Lease Agreements


Lease laws in Puerto Rico are highly protective of tenants, making eviction a more complex process than in many U.S. states. This is particularly relevant if you're considering buying property as a rental investment.


Inheritance Laws


Puerto Rico's inheritance laws are based on Spanish civil law and differ from mainland U.S. laws. It's important to be aware of these laws, particularly if you're planning to pass on the property to heirs.


Navigating the intricacies of Puerto Rican real estate laws can be challenging for mainland U.S. buyers. Working with a knowledgeable real estate professional and legal advisor well-versed in local laws can ease this process, ensuring a smooth and successful property purchase. With the right guidance, owning a piece of paradise in Puerto Rico can become a reality. At Blackmont we have a large database of the top real estate and Act 60 lawyers.


Financing Questions

Financing a property purchase in Puerto Rico comes with its own set of rules and regulations—all of which you should have an awareness of before you move forward.


Let's delve deeper into this topic.


Local vs. International Banks


Both local and international banks operate in Puerto Rico, offering mortgage products to residents and non-residents. Local banks, like Banco Popular, are more likely to be familiar with specific nuances of the Puerto Rican real estate market. International banks, like Scotiabank, may provide easier integration with your existing financial services. It's worth shopping around to compare loan terms and interest rates, as they can vary significantly between institutions.




To secure a mortgage in Puerto Rico, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria, just like elsewhere in the world. These include a satisfactory credit score, proof of income, and sometimes, proof of assets. For non-residents, banks may require a larger down payment and offer a higher interest rate compared to residents due to the perceived risk.




Getting pre-approved for a mortgage can make your property search easier and more efficient. A pre-approval tells you how much you can borrow, helping narrow down your property choices. It also signals to sellers that you're serious and financially ready to buy, which can be advantageous in a competitive market.


Loan Types


Just like in the U.S., Puerto Rican banks offer various types of mortgages, including fixed-rate, adjustable-rate, and government-backed loans. Fixed-rate mortgages are popular for their predictability, while adjustable-rate mortgages can offer lower initial rates. Government-backed loans, like VA and FHA loans, are also available in Puerto Rico, providing benefits like lower down payments for eligible borrowers.


Down Payment


The required down payment can range from 3.5% (for FHA loans) to 20% or more of the property's value, depending on the type of loan and your eligibility. As a general rule, a larger down payment can lead to more favorable loan terms.


Closing Costs


As detailed in the earlier section, you need to be prepared to pay for closing costs, including origination fees, appraisal fees, and stamp tax, which can add a significant amount to your overall investment. As mentioned, closing costs typically range from 3% to 5% of the purchase price in Puerto Rico.


Mortgage Interest Deduction


Puerto Rico follows U.S. federal tax laws, which means that you can generally deduct mortgage interest on your U.S. federal income tax return, subject to certain limits.


Financing property in Puerto Rico may seem complex, especially for non-residents, however, with thorough research and the right professional guidance, it's entirely achievable. Keep in mind that mortgage regulations and market conditions can change, and it's important to have up-to-date, reliable information when you're ready to buy. Partnering with a local real estate agent and a financial advisor can help you confidently navigate these waters.


Puerto Rico Tax Incentives

One of the many advantages of buying property in Puerto Rico is the possibility of tax exemptions. Over the past decade, Puerto Rico has enacted several laws to attract investors and new residents, providing significant tax benefits.


This section provides a more detailed overview of these potential tax savings:


Act 22 – Individual Investors Act


One of the most popular incentives for U.S. citizens moving to Puerto Rico is the Individual Investors Act, or Act 22. This law provides 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on all passive income realized or accrued after becoming a bona fide resident. This includes interest, dividends, and capital gains. It's important to note that to qualify, individuals must not have been a resident of Puerto Rico for the six years before the Act's effective date in 2012.


Act 20 – Export Services Act


Also known as the Act to Promote the Export of Services, Act 20 is designed to make Puerto Rico an international services hub. The law provides incentives for companies that establish and expand their services on the island. Benefits include a 4% corporate tax rate, a 100% tax exemption on dividends or profit distributions from export services businesses, and a 60% exemption on municipal taxes.


Property Tax Exemptions


Residential property taxes in Puerto Rico are relatively low compared to many U.S. states. The territory also offers exemptions for certain types of property or uses. For instance, properties used for farming can get up to a 90% exemption, while residential properties are exempt from property taxes on the first $150,000 of their value.


Act 60


Enacted in 2019, Act 60 consolidates several tax incentive laws, including Acts 20 and 22, into one. The new law offers similar benefits but adds a charitable contribution requirement: New applicants under Act 60 must donate at least $10,000 annually to nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico.


Opportunity Zones


Under the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, certain low-income communities in Puerto Rico have been designated as Opportunity Zones—investors in these areas can access significant federal tax incentives, including deferral of capital gains taxes.


Other Incentives


Puerto Rico also offers tax incentives for certain industries and activities, including manufacturing, renewable energy, film production, and tourism. These incentives include reduced income tax rates, tax credits, and exemptions.


The various tax incentives available make Puerto Rico a very attractive destination for investors and high-net-worth individuals. It is, of course, essential that you understand the requirements and potential implications of these benefits before you make any decisions: For instance, to qualify for Acts 22 and 60, individuals must become bona fide residents of Puerto Rico, spending at least 183 days a year on the island and demonstrating a closer connection to Puerto Rico than any other place.


Always consult with a tax professional or legal advisor to understand these incentives and how they may apply to your situation.


Puerto Rico Lifestyle and Cultural Differences

Life in Puerto Rico offers a vibrant mix of cultures, a laid-back island vibe, stunning natural beauty, and city amenities, which make it an attractive destination for many. Living in Puerto Rico also comes with unique cultural nuances and lifestyle aspects that are distinct from the mainland U.S., which may not be the right fit for everyone.


Here's a more in-depth look at the lifestyle and cultural differences you might encounter:


  • Language: Spanish and English are official languages in Puerto Rico, with Spanish the dominant language in most day-to-day interactions. Although you'll find English widely spoken in tourist areas and among younger generations, many Puerto Ricans prefer to communicate in Spanish. As such, learning some Spanish can greatly enhance your experience.


  • Pace of Life: Island time is a real thing in Puerto Rico. The pace of life tends to be slower compared to the hustle and bustle of mainland U.S. cities—this relaxed pace is one of the charms of island life. To the uninitiated, it can also be a source of frustration, especially when dealing with administrative tasks or services.


  • Rich History and Culture: Puerto Rico boasts a rich cultural history influenced by its Taino, Spanish, African, and U.S. heritage—this fusion is evident in everything from the island's music and dance (think salsa and reggaeton) to its vibrant festivals and cuisine. The island's historic sites, like the El Morro fort in Old San Juan, offer glimpses into its storied past.


  • Natural Beauty: The island offers stunning natural beauty, from its pristine beaches and El Yunque National Forest to the Bioluminescent Bay in Vieques. An abundance of outdoor activities is available, including surfing, hiking, snorkeling, and exploring the many natural wonders.


  • Urban Life: Cities like San Juan offer urban amenities, including shopping, dining, nightlife, and healthcare facilities, similar to what you'd find in many U.S. cities. The capital city is also home to a thriving arts scene, with museums, galleries, and music venues showcasing local talent.


  • Food and Cuisine: Puerto Rican cuisine is a flavorful blend of its cultural influences, with dishes like mofongo, lechón (roast pork), and arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas). The island also has a growing farm-to-table movement, with many restaurants offering fresh local produce and seafood.


  • Climate: Puerto Rico has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round, making it a haven for those seeking perpetual summer. However, the island is also prone to hurricanes and tropical storms, usually between June and November.


  • Cost of Living: While the cost of living is lower in Puerto Rico than in many mainland U.S. cities, it's higher than in other Latin American and Caribbean destinations. Utilities, groceries, and consumer goods can be more expensive due to the cost of importing items to the island.


  • Healthcare: Puerto Rico offers both public and private healthcare. The standard of care is generally high, especially in larger cities—just be aware that some specialist treatments may require travel to the mainland U.S.


  • Education: Public and private schools in Puerto Rico offer instruction in either English, Spanish, or both. The island is also home to several universities and colleges, including the University of Puerto Rico.


Living in Puerto Rico can be a dream come true for many, but it's essential to understand the cultural nuances and lifestyle changes you'll experience. No matter where you choose to live, immersing yourself in the local culture, being open to new experiences, and building connections within your community can greatly enhance your living experience.


Common Pitfalls in Puerto Rico

Like any real estate transaction, purchasing property in Puerto Rico comes with potential pitfalls that buyers should be aware of. You can avoid these common issues by being proactive and researching thoroughly before you get involved in the market:


Overlooking Due Diligence


The importance of due diligence can't be overstated. This includes verifying the title, checking for liens, understanding zoning laws, and getting a thorough property inspection. In some cases, especially in rural areas, property boundaries can be unclear, and title issues can arise. Also, properties located in coastal areas are subject to specific regulations related to coastal access and environmental protection. Skipping any of these steps could lead to unwelcome surprises down the line.


Neglecting Financing Pre-Approval


While an immediate start to your property search might be tempting, getting pre-approved for a mortgage first can save you from potential disappointments. Without pre-approval, you could fall in love with a property only to discover you can't secure the necessary financing—gaining pre-approval also puts you in a stronger position when negotiating with sellers.


Ignoring Future Resale Value


When purchasing a property, especially if it's an investment, it's paramount that you consider its potential resale value. Some properties may seem like a bargain but could be challenging to sell in the future due to factors like location, property condition, or local real estate market trends.


Underestimating Total Costs


The purchase price is just one part of the total cost of buying property: Closing costs, annual property taxes, homeowner association fees, insurance, and maintenance costs can add up. Failing to account for these additional expenses could put a strain on your finances.


Disregarding Local Lifestyle and Culture


Moving to Puerto Rico is not just a change of address—it's a change in lifestyle and culture. For instance, the slower pace of life could impact how quickly things get done, so it is essential to embrace these differences to ensure a smooth transition and enjoy living on the island.


Not Planning for Natural Disasters


As mentioned earlier, Puerto Rico is prone to hurricanes and earthquakes. Failing to prepare for these events, including having adequate insurance coverage and an emergency plan, could lead to substantial losses and inconvenience.


Always remember that buying property is a significant investment, and making informed decisions every step of the way is key.


Success Stories


At Blackmont Homes, we've guided many satisfied clients through their property-buying journey in Puerto Rico, here are some of our reviews:


  • Blackmont worked hard to help us find our perfect house! They did Zoom calls and walked through the houses for us. Got us in for showings last minute. We appreciate everything they did for us! - Gretchen S.

  • Great host, he went above and beyond to secure me viewings of condos throughout Condado Beach, and drove me to see all of the listings. After looking at 10 units, we found my new home, and he worked with the real estate brokers to secure the agreement, notary, and even helped pay a vendor on my behalf while I was in the USA. Great experience, wish you the best. - Guillermo B.

  • Energetic and passionate about what he does. He helped us find and negotiate rental terms and conditions that met our needs, albeit a current landlord’s and/or tenant’s market, given the existing strong market conditions with limited inventory. Would strongly recommend contracting him as your broker! - Francisco P.

  • Amazing company that will do anything for their client. Our family appreciated his help and all the extra work he did for us! Whenever we needed a ride or were stuck, he came and helped us. Thank you! - Adam R.




Purchasing property in Puerto Rico may seem complex, but with the right guidance, it's a journey that can be both enjoyable and rewarding. This guide should serve as a useful starting point to understand the process, costs, and potential challenges. With Blackmont Homes at your side, you can move forward confidently, whether seeking a new home, a vacation retreat, or an investment opportunity.


We would be delighted to help you further on your journey to Puerto Rico property ownership. Please do reach out to a member of the team today with any questions or if you need additional guidance!

Book a call with one of our brokers here: